Welcome to the
Historical Society of Vandalia Butler

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the The Historical Society of Vandalia Butler. This web site is intended to inform you of the society's goals, accomplishments, and activities. These achievements are the result of an ambitious plan to collect, restore and preserve the unique history of Butler Township and Vandalia.
Our country's historic sites allow us to learn first hand about our national history and our diverse regional and cultural identities. Without the preservation of historic places in our communities, a tangible part of our culture that teaches us who we are as Americans could be lost forever.
The Historical Society of Vandalia and Butler Township has been actively collecting, preserving and displaying local treasures of our predecessors for over thirty years. The Society's primary purpose has been to make every effort to reach out and make our local history available to everyone, and this continues to be our overwhelming commitment.
Hence, sharing our new web site with you "in the comfort of your home" is just another way we can reach out and keep everyone informed as to the many museum structures, photos, stories, maps, etc., that await you when you, your family and friends visit our beautiful, tranquil and spacious grounds.
The undertaking of exciting and informative new projects, such as the preparation and creation of this web site, is just another challenge that we accept as a necessity for keeping our Society functioning in this very fast moving 21st century. This period will surely be remembered as the New Age of Communication and we must stay abreast or fall behind. Thus, the Historical Society of Vandalia-Butler Board of Trustees has aptly chosen to use this electronic resource as a tool to improve our communication network. This, along with our newsletter, will allow us to better inform our members, associates and friends we have not yet met, about the functions of our Society and likewise, we will attempt to reach the younger historians who want to know more about their ancestors and this precious, history rich area of southwest Ohio.

We're Making History...and you can too!
Therefore, we count on you as one of our most important assets. The Vandalia and Butler Township family of supporters and other friends of the Society give because they care about preserving the local history and heritage of Vandalia and Butler Township and the continuation of this Society for future generations.
Get in Touch
Questions, concerns, or ideas for the Society? Message us here and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!